Allowing our office to remotely access your computer

Sometimes the easiest way for our office to help with issues related to Bookkeeping, Quickbooks, or other Bookkeeping software, or any other issue is for you to allow us to remotely access your computer. We use a well known software solution called Teamviewer to accomplish this.

We can never log into your computer without your assistance, so Teamviewer sessions are scheduled, and then you follow the steps below to allow us access. At that point you can watch what we’re doing on your screen, or perform other tasks while we perform the agreed upon tasks.

Here’s how:

Click here to download the Teamviewer installer.

  1. Once it has downloaded, double click the .exe file (this will be in the location you saved it, or the default location for your downloads. Often, the downloads folder.) and walk through the steps to install the software.

  2. When the software is installed, press the key on your keyboard that has the windows logo on it, to the left of the space bar and type “teamviewer” you should see the software you just installed. Double click to open.

  3. You’ll see a Teamviewer window with “Allow Remote Control” in the middle, and below that “Your ID” and “Password.” You’ll need to provide the ID, and then the Password, to David or Peter. Once those numbers are input on our end, you should see the mouse move as we are able to interact with your computer.

  4. When we have completed our work we will disconnect, and you can close the Teamviewer software. Next time you open it, the password will be different, so to reconnect these steps would be repeated.